3 Awesome Figurine Prizes from Dragon Ball Z Claw Machine

Dragon Ball Z is one of so many types of anime that come from Japan. Apparently the country is not only offering the anime, but also an online Dragon Ball Z claw machine you can play at your home in Singapore. This game is available for both Android phones and iOS devices.

When you are looking for this claw machine app in the Play Store or App Store, type Japan Claw Machine or JCM. Download and install this claw machine game on your phone and then play the machines to win all figurines of Dragon Ball Z to complete your collection at home.

Vegeta Figurine for Dragon Ball Z Fans

Prince Vegeta aka Bejita Yonsei, aka Vegeta IV is a figurine of Dragon Ball Z anime you need to win by playing this Japan Claw Machine game at home. This figurine of Vegeta from Japan Claw Machine is one of many limited edition figurines you can only get by winning the game.

The prize of each figurine is USD 40. But you don’t have to pay that much since Japan Claw Machine allows you to spend a dollar to play the game. And if you win, this figurine will be yours without spending any more money. Japan Claw Machine will ship the prize you deserve to your home.

Cute Bulma Figurine You Need to Win By Playing

Buruma or Bulma is another figurine you need to get by playing Dragon Ball Z claw machine. This online claw machine game allows you to choose one between five game modes. And then choose the Bulma figurine you want to win before the game starts.

After choosing the figurine you desire, you can start moving the claw machine and then try to drop the prize so that it can be yours. The Bulma figurine here offered by Japan Claw Machine is wearing warm clothes. The figurine looks extremely cute, contrasting from the other figurines.

If you really love this Bulma character of Dragon Ball Z, you also need to play again to win the Glitter & Glamours Bulma figurine to accompany the previous Bulma figurine you already gained. This figurine’s original price is USD 30 but you only have to spend USD 1 to play and win this figurine as a prize.

Android No 18 Figurine to Complete Your Female Figurines

If you already gained the Bulma figurines, don’t stop playing. Play again to win the Glitter & Glamours Android No 18 figurine. This figurine will look perfect when you place it next to your Bulma figurine. Just like Bulma figurines, this Android No 18 is also a limited edition prize.

Those three incredible figurines are not the only prizes you can find and get by playing Dragon Ball Z crane game from Japan Claw Machine. Explore the other prizes by downloading the app now.

So many prizes are waiting for the players of the Dragon Ball Z claw machine. This game is an original game from Japan and will give you limited edition prizes that also come from Japan. Interested in collecting the entire prizes? Keep playing and don’t stop until you get them all.

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